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Henry Moore Artwork Catalogue

Upright Motive No.8

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Upright Motive No.8
Upright Motive No.8
Upright Motive No.8

Upright Motive No.8

Artwork TypeSculpture
Catalogue NumberLH 388 cast a
Dimensionsartwork (including base): 207 × 60 × 56.5 cm
OwnershipThe Henry Moore Foundation: gift of the artist 1979
More Information
Between 1955 and 1979 Henry Moore made nine column-like sculptures which he called 'upright motives'. He generated ideas for these sculptures by balancing forms on top of one another and by pressing lines of objects such as stones, bones, bolts and tools into clay. When enlarged, these experimanets resulted ins culptures with intriguing nooks and crannies, deep grooves and truncated forms. The final works are reminiscent of North-West American totem poles and prehistoric standing stones, or natrual forms like trees or stalagmites.
Published References
photo: <a href="">San Diego Museum of Art</a>
LH 387 cast c
1955 cast 1958
photograph © 2018 courtesy of The David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, The University of Chica…
LH 387 cast b
1955 cast 1958
Upright Motive: Maquette No.8
LH 387 cast a
1955 cast 1958
Archive image of a representative cast.
LH 388 cast f
Archive image of a representative cast.
LH 388 cast d
Archive image of a representative cast.
LH 388 cast e
photo: Norton Simon Entities
LH 388 cast c
Courtesy of University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
LH 388 cast g
Upright Motive No.8
LH 388
Upright Motive No.8
LH 388 plaster